2023-22: You Can’t Wait Until Life Isn’t Hard Anymore Before You Decide to Be Happy-Part 3; Absolute Word-Release

Part 3 – We finish exploring an article found on Medium, a blog post aggregator. The title of the blog we are sharing is, You Can’t Wait Until Life Isn’t Hard Anymore Before You Decide to Be Happy, by Tim Denning.  We share about unconditional happiness … and inner happiness we can experience without the need for an outer reason. What about unreasonable happiness? Unconditional love is similar.  Maybe there is something the author says that you currently believe but needs to be questioned and debunked!

The Absolute Word was “Release” from June 4, 2023. The Absolute Word can be found on Paul’s websitepaulhasselbeck.com, as his weekly blog.

You can find Bil and Cher’s website by going to UCFYP.org (Unity Center for YOUniversal Prosperity) and their products at HoltonProductMall.com.

Here is a link to the article that inspired this podcast series.