
2024-25: How to Deal with Stumbling Blocks-Part 3; Absolute Word-Beautiful

MetaSpiritual – Metaphysical Podcast-This is the third episode of our series focusing on the stumbling blocks to personal/spiritual growth including Mindfulness & Reflection, and Embrace Uncertainty. We also explore AI as a tool and the “Jan Gurr” effect. Bonus: Learn what happens when Cher says she is hungry!


2024-20: ENCORE, By Request: Third Eye-Part 1; Absolute Word-Forgive

MetaSpritual Podcast-Today we dive into A Global Center for Spiritual Awakening “White Light” Paper entitled, “How to Open Your Third Eye, Entering a Realm of Expanded Awareness and Activating Your Sixth Sense.”  We will be exploring our third eye and intuition. What is our “spidey sense?”