Welcome to the RESOURCE Page for our Podcast
Metaphysical Romp 2
Meet our co-hosts, who are all 21st Century Metaphysicians, ordained Unity ministers, and prolific authors:
Rev. Dr. Paul Hasselbeck, metaphysician, speaker, author, and spiritual coach. Rev. Paul is the former Dean of Spiritual Education and Enrichment at Unity World Headquarters, Unity Village, MO. Visit Rev. Paul at PaulHasselbeck.com, where he shares the Absolute Word and more.
Rev. Dr. Bil Holton and Rev. Dr. Cher Holton, spiritual mentors, authors, speakers, corporate consultants, and co-founders of Unity Center for YOUniversal Prosperity, an Unity-approved, Events-driven hybrid MetaSpiritual community for those who are more spiritual than religious. They are also co-founders of Holton Consulting Group, Inc., an Impact Consulting firm focusing on Extraordinary Leadership, Extraordinary Moments, located in Durham, NC.
This page is a place where you can leave comments or pose questions to us. We also encourage you to give us ideas of topics you would like us to discuss on the show!
Listen to the archived shows from our Unity Radio days here: http://www.unity.fm/program/MetaRomp
Click here for Recommended Resources from our shows (and more)
Links to our Models, Charts, and Metaphysical Adventures:
Ultradian Rhythms article
Awareness Focus Loop article
Free Will White Light Paper
Spinoza Article
Zoom Fatigue eBook Information
Article: 3 Words You Should Never Say
Articles-1918 Unity Clicking on this link allows you download a copy of the two articles we discussed in show 2020-8 and 2020-9, sharing Unity’s perspective of handling epidemics with our 21st Century viewpoint.
Pentatonix singing Imagine: An incredible rendition by this acapella group, that takes John Lennon’s beautiful song to a whole new level of interpretation! Enjoy!
Your Best Self Diary: This is a great spiritual practice to help you enhance your well-being, enrich yourself spiritually, and build a sense of internal locus of control over your life!
Believe? Know? So What?: Use this chart to begin to identify what you REALLY believe … and how these beliefs impact your life on a daily basis.
Listen to Rupert Sheldrake’s Ted Talk on Youtube: The Science Delusion –– and ask yourself what “Unquestioned Answers” you have believed in that are not really true.
Here is a link to Lothar Schafer discussing the issue of what Quantum Physics reveals about how we should live our lives. We are discussing his book, Infinite Potential, on our show.
What If I’m the New Jerusalem? Spend time reflecting on this question. If you were the New Jerusalem, how would you think, feel, and act, to be congruent with that that means?
Spiritual Truth-Seekers Bill of Rights, Parts 1& 2
Reflect on these two questions:
• What are the necessary conditions for your spiritual progress?
• What are your favorite spiritual practices — and why?
• Now, write your own Truth-Seekers Bill of rights to reflect your current spirituality.
Mindfulness Over Matter: A discussion with our Think Tank (Rev. Linda Martella-Whitsett and Rev. Ron Fritts joined the three of us!)
Link to the video we discussed: https://youtu.be/4XQUJR4uIGM
Biocentrism—Listen to Robert Lanza’s YouTube presentation along with our discussion on the show. Then consider this Metaphysical Adventure: Perception versus Reality. Throughout the day, as you experience feelings, actions, outer stimuli, ask yourself the question “Is this true?” Then follow up with another question: “What else might be true about this?” And finally, “How am I influencing the perception of reality I am experiencing—and how can I change it?”
My Definition of God: Listen to the YouTube interview by Tom Chi (Link below), then create your own way to complete this sentence: God is . . .; then explain why this definition works for you!
Interview between Mind Valley CEO and Tom Chi: Does God Exist?
Why Aren’t My Affirmations Working? A worksheet designed to help you understand why it amy appear your affirmations are ineffective.
Model of the Absolute and Relative Realms This model provides a visual description of the concepts Absolute and Relative, and helps you to define what is included in each. (Be sure to listen to the first show in our archives to hear Paul, Bil, and Cher discuss this model in detail.)
Holy Cow! Technique This “Metaphysical Adventure” is a great technique to use when you find yourself in one of those “Holy Cow!” moments in life.
What Am I Thinking? The Three Rs: A “Metaphysical Adventure” to help you move out of a situation where you are feeling upset, frustrated, or any other negative emotion. This technique gives you back a sense of control, and helps you manage the relative realm with power and grace.
Rewind Technique: A “Metaphysical Adventure” designed to help you recognize the connection between the Absolute and the Relative realms, see them in action in your daily life, and validate your point of power in manifesting the results you want.
Relative Listening—Absolute Truth: A great “Metaphysical Adventure” that will help you recognize the difference between statements that are relative and those which are Absolute. But that’s not all. This activity helps you reframe what you hear, to ensure you are standing in Truth and acting from your spiritual foundational beliefs.
Notice This: This “Metaphysical Adventure” helps you become consciously aware of what is relative and what is Absolute in your daily activities … and recognize the implications.
Living in the Dramatic Pause: A “Metaphysical Adventure” to help you take advantage of the realm of Infinite Possibility.
Innie or Outie? A powerful “Metaphysical Adventure” designed to empower you to use your Internal (Innie) versus your External (Outie) Locus of Control.
Summary of Research related to Internal (Innie) and External (Outie) Locus Of Control This is a PDF file.
Commit Yourself! This “Metaphysical Adventure” invites you to reflect on what you’ve been practicing and hearing during our shows, and begin making spiritual practice a part of your daily routine.
I Am, Therefore I …. This is a great Spiritual Practice that can help you know yourself at the deepest level. We recognize our point of power when we realize we are never stuck with who we think we are — or how other people think we are! Use this fun activity on a regular basis, and claim your power!
Meditation Rumination: A Spiritual Practice designed to help you get more out of your meditation experience, and identify which meditation techniques work best for you.
Preparing for the Silence: This Metaphysical Adventure helps you move from meditation into the Silence.
Affirmative Prayer Process:Download the 5-step Affirmative Prayer Process here. (For additional information, see Chapter 8 of Heart-Centered Metaphysics and Chapter 8 of Applying Heart-Centered Metaphysics.)
Prayer Practice and Awareness: TO or FROM: This activity reinforces the 5-step Affirmative Prayer Process, and helps you transform your prayer practice by changing your prayer languaging.
Partner Up: A great activity to help you feel more comfortable praying with others, and gaining practice with the 5-Step Affirmative Prayer Process.
God is …; I am …: This Metaphysical Adventure gives you practice in understanding the concept of God as Principle, and using God/Principle in your daily life.
Spiritual V-8 Moment: This Metaphysical Adventure is designed to help you challenge your thinking and identify your teachable moments.
12 Powers Models: This is a PDF containing the two models we have created around the 12 Powers.
Looking Back on Creation: A Metaphysical Adventure that helps you understand the Spiritual Universe and the Physical Universe, and how you can use Divine Ideas to create the world you desire.
Personal Paradox/Divine Paradox: In Metaphysics, we talk about the Divine Paradoxes, such as God is Principle/God is personal; God is Immanent/God is Transcendent; God is Law/God is Grace. These seemingly paradoxical descriptions are sometimes difficult to wrap our heads around, so this spiritual practice is designed to help you understand and experience them with greater clarity.
Conscious Creation: This Metaphysical Adventure helps you understand the power of the Metaphysical Trinity: Mind – Idea – Expression.
A Bereitschafts Moment This is a link to our blog article about the Bereitschafts Moment we referred to on the show. It is also called Bereitschafts Potential, and is the narrow neural time line between deciding to act and actually acting, In neurology, the Bereitschafts Potential (German for readiness potential), is a measure of activity in the motor cortex area of the brain indicating voluntary muscle movement.
Note from show: The 21st Century Trinity is Metaphysics – Quantum Physics – Neuroscience.
Life’s Hidden Picture Game: Using the metaphor of a 3-D stereogram picture, this metaphysical adventure helps you see past the confusion, emotions, and negativity of the world of appearance. It also includes a link to a site containing a lot of 3-D stereogram pictures you can have fun with!
Choice Point: Choose JOY! This metaphysical adventure strengthens your awareness of experiencing heaven as a state of consciousness, and reminds you of the power of your choice in every situation.
Spiritual Practice: How Am I Showing Up? This is a great practice to help you strengthen your awareness of the power you have over your actions, and to assess the best ways to respond to situations from your highest and best self.
Fear Not! How to Avoid the “Trinity of Control” This is a metaphysical adventure that includes research about the “Trinity of Control” and a technique for avoiding it through your spiritual practice.
What Am I Doing? This is a great spiritual practice to help you be consciously aware of your threefold nature: body, mind, and Spirit.
Going Deeper: This spiritual practice helps you recognize beliefs you may be holding in your sub-conscious that are limiting your spiritual growth and enrichment.
Conscious Consciousness: This activity helps you become familiar with your four functions of Consciousness, and recognize your dominant preference.
20-20 Foresight: A great spiritual practice for helping you master your ability to handle seemingly difficult situations with ease, grace, and success, using information about the Four Functions of Consciousness (Thinking, Feeling, Sensing, or Intuiting).
Links to NPR programs we discussed on the show:
The Secret History of Thoughts
You Have the Power: This practice is designed to reinforce your power over thoughts and feelings, allowing you to make the conscious decision to override your negative, self-defeating thoughts and feelings into power-charged, affirming thoughts and feelings.
Know No! A spiritual practice designed to help you recognize the need for using denials, and creating powerful denial statements.
Glamour Grammar: This spiritual practice uses the alphabet as a tool to help you get in the habit of creating powerful personal affirmations.
Divine Multiburst: An adventure designed to help you focus on the power of Divine Order as it relates to your creation abilities, recognizing the power you bring to the process of Mind — Idea — Expression.
Power Up Your Awareness: Using the 12 Powers as a Spiritual Practice: This spiritual adventure strengthens your understanding and awareness of the Twelve Powers, and how you use them to live at your highest level of Consciousness.
12 Powers Sliding Scale: Designed to help you evaluate how effectively you are “showing up” in terms of using your 12 Powers in your daily life.
Power Up Your Beliefs Worksheet: Used to determine how we may unconsciously use the 12 Powers ineffectively to fuel beliefs that give rise to negative self-talk … and how to disempower those beliefs and change them.
Invisibilia NPR Link: Link to NPR series about Entanglement that we discussed on the show.
Reverse Engineering: Designed to strengthen your awareness of the power of a Divine Idea in the Field of Infinite Potential to transform into manifested good.
Creation Playsheet: Have some fun putting the Creation Process into action, matching the seven days of creation with the Metaphysical steps, using our special worksheet.
From Stumbling Blocks to Stepping Stones, Parts 1 & 2: A powerful metaphysical adventure to help you identify stumbling blocks and move beyond hem for greater spiritual enrichment.
My Perfect Body Poster: A creative spiritual practice that lets you design a poster which captures the essence of Wholeness and Health for you.
Prayer Awareness Check: To or From? A process to practice with the 5-Step Affirmative Prayer process, and check the direction of your prayers.