2024-27: How to Deal with Stumbling Blocks-Part 5; Absolute Word-Valuable

This is the fifth episode of our series focusing on the stumbling blocks to personal/spiritual growth including decision making: pros and cons list, the 80/20 rule including a tip for clearing out your wardrobe,  the SWOT analysis, the GROW analysis, make a decision matrix, a cost/benefit analysis, mind mapping, a  decision tree, and as a final thought, do not underestimate the power of simply flipping a coin!

The Absolute Word is Valuable from July 21, 2024. The Absolute Word can be found on Paul’s websitepaulhasselbeck .com, as his weekly blog. You can also find his calendar listing all of Paul’s upcoming activities both live and virtual.

You can find Bil and Cher’s website with tons of resources available to you, by going to GCSAcommunity.org and their products at HoltonProductMall.com.