2022-10: Forgiveness-Part 1; Absolute Word-Glory

On forgiveness – Part 1. We are exploring, “The Freedom of Forgiveness; 7 Keys.” In this episode we looked at #1 (Know What Forgiveness is and Why it Matters), and #2 (Become ‘Forgiveness Fit’). We also looked at a quote from Dr. Jerry Jampolsky, founder of Attitudinal Healing, explaining when forgiveness happens.

The Absolute Word was “Glory” from March 6 2022. The Absolute Word can be found on Paul’s website, paulhasselbeck.com, as his weekly blog.

You can find Bil and Cher’s website by going to UCFYP.com (Unity Center for YOUniversal Prosperity) and their products at HoltonProductMall.com.