Undiscovered Consciousness, Part 2; Law of Health (Mind-Idea-Expression); Seize the Moment-2019Jan28


This week we examined the Law of Health and its relation to mind-idea-expression and how the mind works. At the break we pivoted to Bil’s book, Rev. Bil Unplugged and Unedited to take a deeper dive into Undiscovered Consciousness (Part 2) where there was a really great exposition of Oneness and an exploration of omnipotent and Omnipotence, omniscient and Omniscience, omnipresent and Omnipresence, and a new one: Omni-Activity.

This week’s Absolute Words are Seize the Moment. You can find the Absolute Word for January 27, 2019 as Paul’s blog at paulhasselbeck.com. There is lots of other useful information is at metaphysicalromp2.com.