
2021-04: Unity Premises-Part 12 – Meditation; Absolute Word-Dream

2021-04-Unity Premises -12
In this episode as we continue our deeper dive into Unity’s Premises we continue exploring the Premises about Practices. This week we dive into Meditation, which we believe is a non-negotiable in our spiritual evolvement! Discover how meditation is like sports — and take to heart our soundbyte: Meditation aligns our human nature with our Divine Nature.

exploring one quote from Charles Fillmore’s Prosperity. We deconstruct the quote using Fillmore’s own definitions of the terms he used and translate the quote into 21st language. It’s a quote about manifestation and along the way we look at bodies, money and a common mistake some churches make because of an misunderstanding of God.

2020-36: Unity Premises-Part 3; Absolute Word-Well-Being

Spiritual podcast exploring a quote from Charles Fillmore’s Prosperity. We deconstruct the quote using Fillmore’s own definitions of the terms he used and translate the quote into 21st language. It’s a quote about manifestation and along the way we look at bodies, money and a common mistake some churches make because of a misunderstanding of God.


2020-35: Unity Premises-Part 2; Absolute Word-Remember

We continue with our deeper dive into Unity Premises or teachings and why they are import in our everyday lives. We start by reviewing why we are powerful then shift to the Premises that are fundamental to demonstration and meditation.