
2020-37: Unity Premises-Part 4-Expression; Absolute Word-Kindness

We are continuing our “deeper dive” of Unity Premises focusing on demonstration. This week’s focus is on the Law of Expression and the essential role limitation plays in manifesting our thoughts, feelings, bodies as well as events and things we are responsible for in the physical realm beyond our bodies. Absolute word: Kindness.

exploring one quote from Charles Fillmore’s Prosperity. We deconstruct the quote using Fillmore’s own definitions of the terms he used and translate the quote into 21st language. It’s a quote about manifestation and along the way we look at bodies, money and a common mistake some churches make because of an misunderstanding of God.

2020-36: Unity Premises-Part 3; Absolute Word-Well-Being

Spiritual podcast exploring a quote from Charles Fillmore’s Prosperity. We deconstruct the quote using Fillmore’s own definitions of the terms he used and translate the quote into 21st language. It’s a quote about manifestation and along the way we look at bodies, money and a common mistake some churches make because of a misunderstanding of God.