
2022-03: Plateaus and Cul-de-Sacs; Absolute Word-Rise Up

Metaphysical/Spiritual Podcast: We took a stroll around plateaus, cul-de-sacs, and stair cases as metaphors for our spiritual journey. These all represent times when we can feel stuck or frustrated in our journey – and we share how to use these metaphors to continue to enrich your spirituality so you can master the art of living!


2022-02: Habits of Remarkably Calm People-Part 2; Absolute Word-Inner Guidance

Metaphysical/Spiritual Podcast: Part 2 of focusing on some habits of remarkably calm people based on an article found on medium.com by Nick Wignall. The full title is 6 Habits of remarkably Calm People. You’ll discover
Controlling the controllables; Is it changeable? Can I change it?
Inner and outer loci of control; Bring poise to the noise; and role values play in decision making.


2021-44: Get Over These Phrases-Part 3; Absolute Word-Joy

Metaphysical/Spiritual Podcast: In this edition of MR2, part 3 and our final exploration of sayings like those found in our two books, Get Over it and Get Over These Too! We look at several including, “The Universe has your back” and “Idle hands are the devil’s workshop!”


2021-43: Get Over These Phrases-Part 2; Absolute Word-Peace

Metaphysical/Spiritual Podcast: n this edition of MR2, we are in part 2 of our exploration of more sayings like the ones found in our two books, Get Over it and Get Over These Too. If you believe in contracts before we incarnate, you will find this show challenging. We also look at, “Only the good die young,” and others.  And, of course, we have our usual detours and fun along the way.


2021-42: Get Over These Phrases-Part 1; Absolute Word-Hope and Faith

Metaphysical/Spiritual Podcast: we begin an exploration of more sayings like the ones found in our two books, Get Over it and Get Over These Too. One example we explored is this one, “Prayer is talking to God; Meditation is listening to God.”  Along the way we took an interesting detour into the movie, The Matrix!


2021-41: Eckhart Tolle-Questioning New Thought Ideas-Part 2; Absolute Word-Grace

Metaphysical/Spiritual Podcast: In this edition of MR2, we wrap up questioning the remaining answers of Eckhart Tolle based on an article by Edward John entitled, 8 Ridiculous Things said by Eckhart Tolle which Don’t Stand Up to Scrutiny, published in Medium. We are NOT trashing the amazing work of Tolle. Where does Adele get her inspiration? Downloads? Uploads? Or?


2021-40: Eckhart Tolle-Questioning New Thought Ideas; Absolute Word-Divine Order

Metaphysical/Spiritual Podcast: In this edition of MR2, we question the answers of Eckhardt Tolle based on an article by Edward John entitled, 8 Ridiculous Things said by Eckhart Tolle which Don’t Stand Up to Scrutiny, published in Medium. We are NOT trashing the amazing work of Tolle. We are encouraging everyone to not only question their own answers BUT to question the answers of those we hold in high esteem.