
2020-25: Free Will-Free Won’t, Part 6; Absolute Word-Compassion

Spiritual Podcast: Part 6: “Free Will – Free Won’t!” based on a white light paper by the Rev. Drs. Bil and Cher Holton. “Free will and free won’t are complicated! Neuroscience, neurophilosophy and how the “physical universe” is determined but not predetermined.


2020-23: Free Will-Free Won’t, Part 4; Absolute Word-Comfort

Part 4: “Free Will – Free Won’t!” based on a white light paper by the Rev. Drs. Bil and Cher Holton. We review the idea that our subconscious mind makes decisions 7 seconds before we are aware of them. Learn what intuitive learning in and is conscious choice a fantasy!?


2020-22: Free Will-Free Won’t, Part 3; Absolute Word-Comfort

Part 3: “Free Will – Free Won’t!” based on a white light paper by the Rev. Drs. Bil and Cher Holton. More on how choices or decisions are actually made. Do our subconscious minds and/or evolution play a role? What is life’s prime directive? And … WOW! … 7 seconds is a long time and what does that have to do with free will?